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kdb is an Artist, Photographer

and an Interior & Garden Designer. 



Interior & Garden Design


The Wilderland

One Year Climate Change Project


kdb   Artist/Designer


kdb Dominguez -Artist

My love affair with Art and Nature is a colorful collision mixed with graphic elements. Being in nature, walking and observing our unique and varied landscape, then working in the studio and creating art is a divine joy to me. The shapes, patterns, colors and forms of the natural world have been making their way into my artwork since I was a child. Over the years I have explored many different mediums in my artistic endeavors. My favorite mediums are Encaustic and Acrylic. In the Autumn of 2014 I began a 1 year Climate Change Project “WilderlandMaine”. I wrapped this 4 year project on September 20th, 2018. I am now working on the post work. Wrangling images, creating data bases, working on 2 books and a series of a dozen "Eye Spy" Illustrations. This series is a call to all of us to make changes in how we interact with the landscape, rewilding and learning to live in harmony with our precious planet!

This project has intensified my view of the absolute perfection of nature, every moment of everyday, week by week and season by season. I have fallen deeply in love with all that the Wilderland has to offer, this love is reflected in my Paintings and Photographs in ways I had never imagined.


The Wilderland Climate Change Project,

A One year Artist Immersion Experience

September 2014- September 2015

WilderlandMaine Project

September 2105 - September 2018

This adventure was inspired by our rapidly changing climate and the my opportunity to photograph and document how the shores of the Kennebec River and the beaches look today. The work was methodical, going out most everyday, regardless of the weather photographing what was happening, then back into my studio, sorting, posting and making sense of each days work. I also create paintings from my images that are inspired by this wildly beautiful spot. I am now in the second year of this One Year Project. I moved back to Bath and do my work from my studio on Middle St. I go out photographing most days and am finding that like life everything is in a constant state of change. But I have noticed that this year seems the tides are even higher and lower than last year. I have noticed that this magical spot is affected by all of the things going on upriver, lawns, chemicals, neighborhoods and city run off, boats and warming water too. Do your best, please. Nature is depending on you.

Gallery Exhibits and Shows

2018-2019 November/December/January Wilderland Exhibit/Experience

Chocolate Church, Bath, Me.

2017 August/September/October Pemaquid Watershed Association, Damariscotta, Me.

2016- 2017 ongoing Endicott Home, Scarborough, Me.

2016-2017 - ongoing Casco Bay Artisans, Portland, ME.

2015-2017 - ongoing Stable on Front Gallery, Bath, ME.

2011-2017 ongoing, Blessings Home & Garden Store, Brunswick, ME.

2010-2017 ongoing, Yarmouth Frame Gallery, Yarmouth, ME.

2010-2017 ongoing, Ornament Home and Garden, Bath, ME.

2016 - Maine Audubon Center, Falmouth, ME.

2015 June/July/August Chocolate Church ART Gallery, Bath, ME.

kdb Wilderland, Featuring only kdb Paintings, Photographs

and Assemblages. The Artist curated and hung this Exhibit.

2011-2015 Chocolate Church ART Gallery, Bath, ME.


2013-2014  November - January  - Lyceum Gallery, Lewiston, ME.

2013 October – December Local - Featured Artist, Brunswick, ME.

2012-2014 ongoing, The Salt Exchange Restaurant, Portland, ME

2012-2014 Tao Restaurant, Brunswick, Me.

2011-2014 ongoing, Couleur Collection, Falmouth, ME.


2012-2013 December-January, “Small Wonders” Group Art Show,

          The Salt Exchange Restaurant, Portland, ME

2012 October-December, Group Exhibit, Lyceum Gallery, Lewiston, ME

2012 October-November, “The Maine Coast”, Group Art Show,

          The Salt Exchange Restaurant, Portland, ME

2012 October, Group Exhibit, Yarmouth ART Festival, Yarmouth, ME

2012 July-ongoing, Tao Restaurant, Brunswick, ME

2012 July, ArtRAVE, Brunswick Inn, Brunswick, ME

2012 April, Summer Island Gallery, featured Artist, Brunswick Maine

2012 March-May, Aarhus Gallery, Group Exhibit, Belfast, ME


2011-2012 January-December 7 Group Shows, Chocolate Church ART Gallery

2011-12 Ongoing, Blessings Home and Garden Store, Brunswick, ME

2011-12 December- ongoing, Couleur Collection, Falmouth, ME

2011- 12 December, ongoing, Yarmouth Frame Shop, Yarmouth, ME

2011-12 November- April, “The Natural World”, One Woman Show,

         at The Carriage House, Brunswick Inn, Brunswick, ME.

2011 September - November, “Drawn From Nature”, Three Person Show

         Chocolate Church Center for The Arts, Art Gallery.

2011 September M.A.C. Group Show, Brunswick, ME

2011 July Art RAVE, Brunswick, ME.

2011 May- April 2012 “Under The Sea”, One Woman Art Show,

         Little Tokyo Restaurant, Brunswick, ME

2011 May- September, “Maine Nature”, Carriage House, Brunswick, ME

2011 March, Local Color 2011, Bayview Gallery, Brunswick, ME

2011 January - March, “Natural Maine”, One Woman Art Show,

          The Salt Exchange Restaurant, Portland, ME


2010-11 November -November, Ornament, Home and Garden Store, Bath, ME

2010-12 September-ongoing, Blessings, Home and Garden Store, Brunswick, ME

2010 October, A Moveable Feast-ArtRAVE, Brunswick, ME

2010 August, A Moveable Feast-ArtRAVE, Brunswick, ME

2010 June through December, “Maine Nature”, One Woman Art Show,

         The Carriage House, The Brunswick Inn, Brunswick, ME

2009 December, A Moveable Feast-ArtRAVE, Brunswick, ME

2008-2009 Group Show, Green Rice Gallery, Charlotte, North Carolina


Related Experience

2014- ongoing Wilderland Maine Project. Artist/Photographer

2012 - 2014– Curator, clients,

The Salt Exchange Restaurant, Portland, ME. +

Tao Restaurant, Brunswick, ME

Chocolate Church ART Gallery, Responsible for 6 Exhibits per year. Working with Artists, & hanging Exhibits. Also responsible for promotion, posting/writing on Blog & Facebook page for CCAG.


2010 - Featured Maine photographer for WMTW’s Keep Maine Strong campaign, photos featured on Website, Posters and collateral.


2010 - A Moveable Feast-ArtRAVE. Collaborated with three artists to create and facilitate this group show. Promotion on Facebook & Blog.


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